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Top 5 -used words in October

*image is from

Ok. First, just a heads up to anyone viewing my blog with a phone or by RSS feed.

If you have been viewing by device or phone. The layouts suck even more than full site. I know. Value place holding is leaving lots of gaps and its a pain at the moment. I'm looking at seeing how to manage this with limited options but at the moment but I AM still working on it. Ideally I would not have to code a whole page because I'm not going there right now and I want to avoid it. Bear with me.

To those of you who might have subscribed already, I just thought I'd give you a heads up that I'll be editing some existing posts over the next few days. Even though I had promised myself I wouldn't bother I am already irritated by a few little typos of my own and dhak. dhifbn, eas ch cha ehf? Regardless of whether or not you can get pastn ddncn ot fthay fhsdih I will be cklasdchlh right on top of it. I'm not sure how this will impact on your feeds. You may be getting some RSS repeats as a result of edits because they are still considered to be published posts but I don't know and won't know as I havent subscribed. So yeah, heads up. If this is the case then just know your feed is going nuts for a reason but it won't go on forever.

Now that I've 'said' this I have added a picture and turned this in to a post because I felt like it. Wow what a week. I should of stayed at home in the lair (I should be so lucky). Seeing that it's too late, here's my Top 5 words used for this month that have not helped me keep sane or are even to blame for anything I do (been pulled aside this month for saying, doing and even texting stuff). I'll take the credit there. It was all me. Here they are.


1. FUCK. Includes but is not limited to FFS, FOFF, and building words +ing, +ed, +s and the not so constructive sentences that string along from there. Dropped a few F BOMBS this month.

2. SHITBAG. This one seems to be a favourite at the moment. I'm not a fan of shitbags but I just seem to use the term alot even when I havent been upset. If I can get away with it I will even use it when there isnt even a problem. It has a nice ring to it 'shitbag'.I s'pose a shitbag would say something like that. I don't think I'm a shitbag tho'. How dare you.

3. STOP. This is supposed to be a really empowering word that works like magic. Face it though. It's 2015. Nothing actually stops when I say stop. Needs a bit more umph. Used constantly all the same. Works even better accompanied with number 1.

4. NO. No. Nuh. Neh. Nup and anything that projects 'No.' I never get sick of saying 'No' except of course when I really want to say yes. I like yes too.

5. WHAT. I just can't belive what I'm hearing. Make it go away. Maybe I think what you are saying is crazy. I'm tired. I don't know what you said.

So that's it for now. No hints on when DR is actually running, in case you are wondering. Still setting up there and I like keeping posts on any blog to a natural flow. I write when it comes to me or when the impulse is there.

For now, thanks for stopping by.


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