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Head in the sand

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Yeah.... I have been wondering this week..... Does an ostrich really stick it's head in the sand?

I feel like I'm stuck in some kind of crazy dream or nightmare. Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are partially aware but still fast asleep dreaming? I mean the kind where you wonder at intervals at the weird things that are going on and you wonder how you got somewhere or how whatever it is this time happened, in whatever way it did. I have them dreams sometimes. Not all the time though. I always wake up relieved when that happens, pretty much because dreams don't have to make sense.

Back to reality, at the moment, it bothers me to know that I am very much aware that I am very awake (it's certain) and that recent events are very real and it just feels crazy. It's been weird and weird and me seem to be on a constant loop at the moment. I feel pretty crazy and I'm not sure how things have happened to be going the way they are. Worse still, I pretty much have to get things back on track and that hasn't been going too well either. I'd rather just hide in a cave and roll the boulder over the entrance but it's not exactly an otpion right now.

To top it all off, I've accused someone very lovely of turning on me and I was beginning to be a bit of a shitbag about it too, until of course someone helped me realise it probably wasn't true. With the damage now done, it looks like I'll be heading back for yet another apology (ugh... how does this keep happening...?) and knowing the particular circumstances, it will probably come out all weird and I'll say something stupid. I'm not looking forward to the dumb shit I am about to say or the way I probably wont even be able to say it properly and YES I feel like a total shitbag but I've got no way out other than to just go ahead and on with it. I've got no doubt this person has become aware of the fact that I've pretty much blamed them for something unjustly. I've embarressed myself. Fuck.

So again, yeah...I have been wondering this week..... Does an ostrich really stick it's head in the sand? I wondered how it sticks it's head in the sand.... does it dig with it's beak? Does that take long? Does it help soothe the ostrich?

Apparently it's a myth. Here's two links at the foot of my post. It's simply not true. I guess even an ostrich isn't going to get out of anything that easy. According to San Diego Zoo, instead, the Ostrich runs away or just flops itself on the ground and plays dead. I don't know about danger, but I think that maybe we have all flopped down and stared at the ceiling sometime every now and then. It just makes more sense than putting my head on the floor while I stick my ass in the air. It would be like inviting danger to kick me up my ass. Alternatively though the ostrich also packs a pretty powerful kick, apparently enough to kill a lion. Not sure how that would help in my situation unless of course that by being an ostrich I would not of been in this situation in the first place..... welcome to my crazy head. If you keep reading weird stuff like this you won't walk out much better.


I'm considering posting on DR in the next 7 days. That ought to cheer me up. Unfortunately though, I have multiple assessments due so there's a bit of a kill-joy.




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