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Dance off Journal

Dance off journal entry #1

As it turns out my housemates are not total squares.

By random chance I found us playing Dance off 4x tonight and going head to head.

We weren't very good but a few of us got involved. It has been fantastic. Who would of known SUCH A TINY PERSON could do so many cartwheels and splits! I feel the envy. She tricked me in to getting back in to cartwheels yesterday. We were prepping for our long distance future fire twirling performance. We are going to be good but I have just realised how much I have been relying on fire, sticks and poi to make things look good. Why does everything hurt?

It's been fun. I can't tell if I won or lost. We didn't have enough moves to finish the song 4 times.

Afterward, because we could not get enough, we decided to play a few youtube videos and just do whatever they were doing. I thought it might help me improve. The end result? I am possibly even more worse than before but I am apparently very thoroughly skilled at the chicken dance, Macarena and a few other moves that are out of date.

In your face though kid. I can still moonwalk. You can't. If only that was enough.

Had a good time though.

Dance off.

Here's the videos we copied.

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