Australian Mega Fauna

Everybody shut up for sec.... There really was Mega Fauna in Australia during the Dreamtime. Yeh I suppose for some that might seem like stretching it but if you look at when these stories were told and passed down you are looking at when these 'remains' co existed. If you can take perspective on WHEN dreamtime was described to be and WHEN humans walked the lands, perhaps instead of indexing further back in time to the dawn of time itself it will make more sense to just SEE we are talking about a context of when and we actually don't know when that is (we discover older remains of people and animals all the time..). IF YOU DO understand how folklore, legends, stories are passed on and how they happen then you will understand that fiction and truth are intertwined because these stories happen from something and NOT from nothing at all. It's not that we never lose accuracy or that stories don't become more amazing as we pass them on. Moreso it is that they are told for a reason and well.... like every tale on this planet... the truth can be somewhere in between.
Oh who doesn't love dinosaurs, prehistoric things and animals from the time before? Not you? Alright, get lost then. This one's not for you. As for the rest of you..... Stick around. I'm into this one.
What this post is not, is not a 60 thesis, journal article or book that someone is gonna pay me for so YOU BETCHE that I'll keep this short as possible but draw some things in for you to think about. I don't have evidence that this is WHEN all these stories come from. However, I implore you to imagine a bunch of people living in a time like that with these things that are just... travelling around. HOW WOULD THERE NOT BE STORIES?!?!?!? I love a good story. It's what people do. If you want to read more about Humans Co-existing with Mega Fauna for over 30000 years you can start HERE and HERE. As for WHEN Mega Fauna roamed, that itself is thought to be at least 2.5 million years. I won't be focusing on that much today.
Below, here's this vid about rock art. When you watch stuff like this you need to keep in mind that every year, as people we get better at using better terminologies, data gets better and well.. there's still a whole bunch of stuff we don't have uncovered (ie. video could have been better). Things won't always be as great as when they were first uploaded or published. What knowledge is uncovered gets better all the time but the fact is the entire history of planet earth is a lot. We aren't gonna get it all. Blah blah blah blah blah
Anyways.....Use what she's saying for a platform to start thinking? Here it is.
Well now that you got some thoughts sorted, let's change it up a bit. So firstly.. ok we have these paintings, we have knowledge of some sort of where the people are in AT LEAST SOME OF THAT TIMELINE and we also know that fossils are not possible in all conditions (not every dead ancient thing will have a fossil for us to discover). Did you miss that bit about not forming fossils? I hope not. Half of what I think about anything is about plausible missing data. You probably hate that stuff but I love it. If you didn't catch it or you were not able to catalogue that into the library that is your brain, you can get some of that juice right HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. Australia is not really a place to expect a whole lot of fossils. Be sure to save that to your fleshly computer (Let's call it a brain). Then let's move on.
Ok now that we are here I just want to highlight the amazing depth of what could be possible and we just haven't seen it. BIG ANIMALS. MEGA FAUNA - of more than just the types we have uncovered so far. Including but not limited to things we would hunt or be hunted by. I still remember this book from when I was a kid. It creeped me out a lot. Later I've realised, as I got older it's generally that I have a fear of being eaten alive. I just look at some things and I'm just done, that's it.... Once I am sure that it is going to eat me I will want to leave. I can handle many things. Not that. Never will. Nope.
More on that another day (or not). Anything that makes me think how likely that is ... I just... I just.... eeeek!!!! Well ...truth be told my imagination is very powerful and convincing upon me. I think anything can be real. Here's to imagining a giant devil dog... or a giant dog of normal giant proportions being a normal giant problem in general.....
Anyway so yerrrrr I'm into looking at rocks and old things that look like something else and have a story... I'm still drawn to urban legends. I could live just for that, you know.... I don't think we look at things enough. Not as they were, not as they are, not as they could be. That stuff is so good.
No reference listed this time. Unless someone starts paying me for this or starts building statues in my honour your are gonna have to find your references by clicking through. What I have done is embed them for you. Just click on through those hyperlinks I have indexed them for you. Not a whole lot there anyway...
Leaving you (below) with some Rainbow Serpent stuff. It would be weird to not mention that one. I wanted to post the book but you probably had enough of children's books. I'll grow up one day.
That's it for now. Stay interested in the things that are more than what you are.
Till next time...