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Saving Daylight

There's this thing we do every year for what I feel is no real rational reason. This Daylight Saving thing. I heard why and blah blah blah but really I think there's already the sun doing this thing for us already and it was fine how it was.

Look at the distance from the sun this time of year- because of the elliptical orbit of earth and technically its already sorted itself out. We already have longer days and daylight already but someone decided it be great if we moved our clocks an hour forward anyway and now perhaps I will be an extra hour “late“ every day so that's what we are doing every year now. Its NSW's turn to suffer so we have moved our clocks forward. Thus begins Daylight Savings AEST.

My blog post about a dead dog needs further edits and I'm not sure its going to make it to publish anymore so today here is my contribution. That vid we watch every year... because we are stuck here together while I prepare something better.


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